if we allowed others to teach/raise our children (whether daycare or the government school system).
Consider this . . . for most children, the school system has responsibility over them from about 7:00am 'til about 4:00pm (that's 9 hours . . . not counting after-school programming). For most two-income families, parents don't return home until 5:00pm or 6:00pm. If kids get in bed by 9:00pm, that means parents "connect" with their children for about 3hrs in the evening and maybe 1 or 2 in the morning . . . but probably more like 45 minutes with a mad dash for the door. I'll let you do the math . . . but, for our family, there is no way a schedule like that would allow us to truly be the primary influence in the lives of our children.
We are unapologetically followers of God and are very intentional about teaching our children the ways of God. We view life from a biblical-worldview and desire to pass that legacy/heritage of faith on to our children . . . and our children's children.
We take very seriously the mandate from Deuteronomy 6 to be diligent to impress upon our children the ways of God in every facet of life ". . . when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." It is our responsibility to raise up the next generation to know and to follow the ways of the Lord.
By no means does that text mandate homeschooling . . . so obviously, we don't look down upon or condemn others for their choice to place their children in private or public education. However, it DOES mandate that we, as parents, (homeschoolers or not) be purposeful and intentional when it comes to teaching our children the Word of God and what it means to live for the Lord. If we don't, the world (media, culture, society, peers, . . .) will be more than willing to lead them down another path.
Here are some thoughts regarding that important time of "connecting" . . .
I know, breakfast is usually eaten in a mad dash for the door. BUT . . . don't underestimate the significance of family togetherness when it comes to the evening meal. Realistically, I know this cannot ALWAYS be a reality, but at least a few times a week MAKE IT A PRIORITY. It really is all about priorities. Eat together, put aside the mobile devices (silence them or shut them down), and debrief how things have been going.
Yes, I said "read" . . . I know, I know . . . I've heard it all before: "We don't have time!", "My kids won't sit still to listen to a book", "I don't even read books for myself . . . and you want me to read to my kids?" Ok . . . YES, you do have time! You have time for whatever you set up as a priority. Make your family a PRIORITY. It is worth the effort. Your kids won't listen? Who's the parent? You are. You set the "house-rules" . . . they may protest in the beginning, but there are plenty of books that will capture their imagination. Give it some time. They will come around. You don't read? No wonder your children protest reading! So . . . READ. Read an interesting book TOGETHER . . . one chapter before going to bed. It may just be one of the most memorable moments for your family.
This is critical. Your children NEED to see and hear you praying with them and for them. I cannot overemphasize the importance of parents modeling their walk of faith for their children. If they only see you praying or holding a bible on Sunday morning, the message will be LOUD AND CLEAR: "This faith stuff is just for show and it's not very important." Be intentional/purposeful when it comes to impressing upon your children the importance of your faith.
The important word in all of this should be obvious: TOGETHER. Most families spend most of their time apart from one another . . . even when in the same house. How can you be the primary influence in the the lives of your precious children if you are hardly together with them? Be intentional and ENGAGE in the lives of your children. I promise, you will NOT regret it.
Worship Minister, Gateway Christian Church - www.gcch3.com
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