Friday, August 8, 2014

I was reading back over this post from June 7th of 2013 . . . the year I turned 40 . . . and thought I'd share the content of that post again.  It's a good reminder for me as I continue on the journey of getting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Right now I'm training for two runs that are coming up in . . .
September:  The Rugged Red - 13.1 miles in Red River Gorge - and The Lion's Chase - 5K obstacle course in Corbin, KY.


Recently I've begun to focus more on my health and overall fitness . . . not that I think I'll be a ripped fitness model; nor would I want to be . . . but I have taken an interest in working out and striving to eat more nutritiously.  There are several reasons for this . . .


Yes.  It happened a few months ago.  I turned 40.  At such a mile-stone in life it's good to examine yourself and see where you've been and where you're heading.  As I did this, I guess I didn't like where I saw myself heading physically and the impact it had on me emotionally and spiritually.  So, I figured something needed to change.


Ok . . . I'm not going to lie . . . there is vanity at work here.  I admit it . . . I want to look better.  Self-image has its place - and we must strive to keep it in it's place - but when you look in the mirror and don't like what you see - still maintaining a proper perspective on things - it creates a desire within you to make some positive changes in your life.  I want to feel good physically and emotionally.  I want my wife to actually be attracted to me.  I know she loves me and will/would love me regardless of how I look . . . BUT if I can make a change in lifestyle that will strengthen myself, my marriage relationship, and most every other area of life . . . why not make some changes?


One's example is critical . . . especially when you know you have impressionable children watching how you live:  where you go, what you say, what you eat, how you behave . . . ultimately, God's called me to be a good and godly example to children.  I want them to see (among many other things) the importance of maintaining good overall heath when it comes to exercise and nutrition.  It's not just about "the kids" . . . it's my desire to be a good and godly example to every one with whom I come into contact.  The word tells me that in whatever I do . . . including my health habits . . . I am to do all for the glory of God [see I Corinthians 10:31Colossians 3:17].


As a follower of Jesus, I have committed to honoring God with my body.  Scripture tells me that my body is the dwelling place of the Spirit of God and that I am not my own - I have been bought with a price; therefore, I am to glorify God in my body [see I Corinthians 6:19-20].  "For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; for if we live, we live the for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's" [Romans 14:7-8].

In all of this, we must maintain a proper perspective.  Looking good, working out, losing weight, building muscle . . . are good things, but we must recognize that these, like many things, can be taken to the extreme . . . even to the point of addictions and disorders.  In the midst of it all we must remember:  "Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" [1 Timothy 4:8].

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